26/09/2019 Neos Kosmos Stegi Block Party @ SGT. Don't miss it! :)

Neos Kosmos Stegi Block Party | 26/09/2019 | SGT
Onassis Stegi begins with a party at Neos Kosmos. Live concerts, DJ sets, performances and free beer. On Thursday 26 September, from 17:30, Athens dances around Onassis Stegi at the season opening block party.
You can't miss it!
17:30 - 19:00: Athens Disco Kidz w/ DJ Palov
19:00 - 20:00: Santoner (aka Yiorgos Garavellos)
20:00 - 21:00: Trophy Wives (Stathis Mitropoulos + D'Arcy Foxx)
21:00 - 22:00: Σtella Live
22:00 - 00:00: Discosodoma Soundsystem
*Performances by Kangela Tromokratisch, A Man to Pet, Go Go Boys
*Tailor-Made Visuals by The Queer Archive
Neos Kosmos, apart from a smacker line-up will also have sesame bagels and hot dogs.
The season opening party will be joined by six d.o.g.s and Athenian Brewery.
The event will be photographed and recorded.
17:30 - 24:00